Master Teacher Online Classes

Teachers, You Can Hire

Through our Master Teacher Digital Courses, you can bring top quality teachers right into your homeschooling day. 

Coming soon, you will be able to choose from our ever-growing list of teachers who bring their years of experience and background to the Ethos Logos Lesson Cards you purchased from our publishing company.  

Teaching Classically can be at your pace and your terms;

  1. Start with our Ethos Logos Unit Lesson Cards for each subject in the K-12 Classical Education system, 
  2. Compliment your lesson delivery with our One Million and One Questions Project workbooks, 
  3. Take the guesswork out of your teaching by subscribing to our low cost Digital instruction platform that deliver content for each subject for your family 
  4. Coming soon, you will be able to view Master Teacher Stores where our teaching professionals bring their creativity and classroom experience directly to your family.

We offer to our top teachers the ability to offer to our homeschool families customized courses, always aligned to our Ethos Logos scope and sequence and Lesson Card units. These prebuilt units are delivered in our standardized digital format and through our Learning Management System. Think of this feature as hiring a world-class chef to enter your home and make you a gourmet meal. 

Our Master Teacher digital classes range in price, and each teacher has flexibility in setting up their individual stores. Inside each teacher’s store, you can quickly learn about a teacher’s experience, what is included in their courses reviews from other families about their courses, and if the course is pre-recorded or one to group or one on one. 

The Master Teacher courses work great for difficult subjects like science or math. We guide and suggest ways for our Master Teachers to create content but it up to each teacher on how they can best meet your needs.  

We are also offering the ability for these master teachers to offer one on instruction to your child or home school group using Zoom.

Our Teachers Are Special

See for yourself, read their reviews, sample a class for as little as $9.95 per month. 

Teachers and staff see themselves not just as educators, but as students too. Like all good schools, we focus on the technical aspects of education from lesson planning, student engagement and the latest in brain research.  But what is different in our Classical schools is that teachers put an intentional effort into going beyond standards and tests, to focus on the whole child learning experience. Our teachers work toward exposing our scholars to the values and virtues that accompany ideas and concepts.  When teachers join us, we have to almost "unlearn them" from the conditioning of their past. 80% of teachers choose their profession to make a difference in the lives of children, yet most have been so focused on high stakes testing that the big discussions that help develop character take a back seat.  In our schools, we help our instructional staff slow down, go deep, and have those impactful moments that connect emotionally.

We look for and encourage our teaching staff to be LIFELONG LEARNERS. Like Doctors or Lawyers, Teachers are professionals that are forever perfecting their craft. A lifelong pursuit of learning and improving our professional skills are a prerequisite to teaching in one of our schools.

We invest heavily in PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD). Our PD Director oversees the professional growth of all of our teachers -- from on-site PD Coaches to Principals that were sought out for their academic leadership and on down to intentional mentor groups and small teams that support each other. We have created virtual platforms to share lessons and best practices across campuses with other grade level instructors. Think of it as a Facebook group for 200+ 4th-grade teachers from around the US, all on the same team.  No longer are teachers alone and siloed off in their classrooms.

Our teachers work hard, plan hard, have fun and share with each other their best practices. Behind the scenes we have built out a cloud-based curriculum resource which put Classical and Standards-aligned curriculum lesson plans and resources together that can be customized to match the teacher and their particular style. I like to equate the curriculum offerings to a MENU and a BUFFET. The menu is at the teacher's disposal, to cover a particular day/week or month-long unit, or they can visit the buffet and choose from thousands of resources to make their instruction impactful. We have built out EXIT TICKETS which give a teacher (and parent) the big ending targets for History, Art, Music, English, and Science.  How each teacher gets, there is up to their professional judgment.

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