Homeschool Families

Ethos Logos For Homeschool Families

The Ethos Logos model is designed to combine

- Classical Education

- Charlotte Mason Philosophy

- Thematic Units

We find this combination gives your family the most flexibility with the greatest structure or roadmap to ensure you have a plan or path for your instruction. 

For our homeschool families, may we recommend starting with:

  1. Grade-level curriculum maps – These detailed scope and sequence maps provide a roadmap of subjects, themes, and standards that you can use to plan your month. 
  2. Curriculum Lesson Cards – the Ethos Logos Lesson Cards are laminated, color-coded, and grade/month code. These cards are called out on our curriculum maps and are designed to give you big, overarching, bullet-pointed concepts to research and explore. These Lesson Cards are used in our classrooms to guide a teacher's instruction. How and what resources our teachers use is their choice. 
  3. Lesson Guides – think of the Lesson Guides as a unit-by-unit resource to help you deeply explore the concepts, events, people, events, and themes from history. The Lesson Guide fills in perfectly with the Lesson Cards and puts at your fingertips essential questions to explore in your units. We call these Lesson Guides part of our One Million and One Questions Project because we are a society awash in facts, data, and information. The power of good instruction is the power of the great question. Socrates understood the power of the question. Now with our program, you can choose from a bank of questions.
  4. Digital Resources – Finally, we will send you a monthly set of digital classes aligned to the Curriculum Maps, Lesson Cards, and Lesson Guides for a small monthly subscription. We help to teach the unit/month of instruction for you. These digital courses are customizable. We provide exercises, assignments, documentaries, novel interpretations, artist exploration, and more. You can easily add more or choose less on particular topics based on your child's interests. 

Homeschooling is exploding in the United States. The reasons families choose to homeschool vary and how they teach their children is limitless. The main types of homeschool instruction methods include...

  1. Traditional Homeschooling This homeschooling style is the default for many new homeschoolers. Using publisher textbooks, families align their approach with that of the classroom educational model. Think of this like school at home.
  2. Unschooled – This free-flowing approach is all about variety and flexibility. Families pick and choose from several different homeschooling methods and resources. Schooling is dedicated to topics that the student finds interesting and engaging. The unschool philosophy is based on the work of homeschooling pioneer John Holt. Holt began his career in the public school system but eventually became disillusioned. He determined that children learn best when they are self-motivated and interest-led. In this model, parents don't force their children to learn anything. Instead, they act as a facilitator, trying to nurture interests as they arise. The belief is that skills are learned best through direct life experiences. 
  3. Classical Education - The classical homeschooling model was used by many of the great thinkers of the past, such as Aristotle, Plato, Thomas Jefferson, and C.S. Lewis. The classical approach is based on the three stages of the Trivium.
    1. Grammar (elementary school)
    2. Logic (middle school)
    3. Rhetoric (high school)

The Grammar stage serves as the foundation for the entire educational model. This stage of learning involves a focus on facts and memorization. Think math facts, grammar conventions, early spelling, sentence structure, and foundations of science and history. 

As students move to the Logic and Rhetoric stages, these facts are built upon for deeper understanding. In blending Classical with Charlotte Mason (and a bit of Thomas Jefferson philosophies), families set up daily family learning time, reading, discussion, journaling, and plenty of free time. The implementation and study of classic literature with an emphasis on connecting history and literature is an intentional feature of the Ethos Logos model. 

All our units of instruction (10 per year) are based on thematic units with history as the major theme. We have spent years in classrooms aligning the themes, matching age-appropriate classical literature to the history theme your family will be studying. These theme-based units create a natural flow from subject to subject and month to month. Your family will explore dates and times, what society was like, and how characters dressed, lived, struggled, and celebrated. Thematic units give your instructional approach a foundation.  

  1. Charlotte Mason was a 19th-century educator who believed that children learn best using short periods of study. She emphasized the importance of nature, journaling, history, narration, and memorization. In the Ethos Logos model, we blend Classical Education and Charlotte Mason in a natural, seamless way with a heavier concentration of both models in the Grammar stage and continue to the Logic stage. More on the Charlotte Mason method HERE.


Let Ethos Logos help your family teach Classical Education at home. We can match your budget and your comfort level from basic to advanced day-by-day instruction.  

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