Public Schools

Ethos Logos For Public Schools

The Ethos Logos Curriculum products are designed and tested in public charter schools. Individual subjects can be purchased in bulk for public schools, and we offer implementation, training, and monitoring depending on the subjects purchased.

Connect Home and School - Available For Parents To Follow Along

Many states are requiring schools to publish their curriculum choices to their families. With Ethos Logos, we will help you not only tell families what you are covering each month, but you can allow families to purchase the same Lesson Cards you'll be covering in school on a subject-by-subject, month-by-month basis. Our Lesson Card program was originally conceived and built by talking to our families about how we could better connect school and home. We found that having our lesson cards on the kitchen table is a great conversation starter. 

Following are subject themes that can easily be implemented into your current K12 system.


The Ethos Logos English program centers around lessons covering 70+ classical novels. Each is grade-appropriate and has Lexile scores aligned to the particular grade being covered. The Ethos Logos Lesson Cards and Lesson Guides provide students with a graphical outline to reference throughout the novel study. We also provide the teacher with a resource-rich Lesson Guide, which includes chapter comprehension questions, Socratic or essay prompt questions, vocabulary (novel-based, high-frequency words aligned to each grade, and Latin root word). The Lesson Guide has sample themes, plots, settings, and characters to explore and align to each state's English standards. The novels we chose to build our units around are readily available at local libraries and can be purchased new or used online.

English – Value and Virtue Combination

Add into your novel study instruction our prepopulated values and virtues discussion prompts, and you can connect the stories of the characters in your reading to character attributes such as honesty, integrity, trust, excellence, and persistence. What better way to teach a topic such as courage than by seeing courage firsthand from a character in a novel?

History - Social Studies 

Our history program covers the time periods from the Agricultural Revolution to Modern Times. We've broken these periods down into four segments. These four segments are taught three times in the K12 world. (Ancients 1st, 5th, 9th and Medieval Period 2nd, 6th, 10th, and America’s Founding 3rd, 7th, 11th, and Modern 4th, 8th, 12th.)

Because we teach the same period three times, we have the ability to introduce a historical period with basic dates and facts and then build upon those foundations in upcoming exposure to the time periods. Over the 40 time period, or month-long units, we have an easy-to-follow pattern that teachers can quickly build their lessons around. Each unit includes one or more of the critical, Top 100 Events from history, the governance, religions, Great Men and Women stories to feature, inventions, and suggested Values and Virtues to focus on for the unit.

Lesson Guides For Teachers

Adding in our One Million and One Questions Lesson Guides, your teaching staff will have virtually unlimited essential questions aligned to each unit. We believe that the teacher in the classroom knows more than anyone how to engage their students, align to state-based standards and deliver memorable lessons. These lesson guides provide exercise ideas, Socratic discussion prompts essay and project ideas, terms, and grade-specific questions that help check for understanding of concepts.

Digital Options

If your school uses Schoology by Powerschool, we also include teacher-created digital lesson plans aligned to the Lesson Cards and Lesson Guides. Our public schools use this feature for lesson planning, one on one instruction, and district-wide assessments. Our digital platform includes additional resources aligned to each unit for your teachers to customize and expand on our work.

Anti-Bullying Program - Character Education

Perhaps the most impactful way we can help your school is in the area of character formation. Each state in America has mandatory Anti-Bullying programs that districts are required to implement. Our system goes beyond an 'off the shelf and put it away' program and integrates anti-bullying instruction into your teacher's daily routine.

We have developed a 10 Point Character Development plan through years of classroom experience and after combing through the available research to identify best practices. Our plan involves the classroom teacher, school-wide programs, the student body, and parents. We have created a monitoring program similar to your RTI/MTSS academic monitoring plans, focusing on your campus's character plan.

The program centers around two values and virtues per month. These character traits are featured in lesson planning, school-wide events, and our history instruction. We suggest your school district bring in our history platform, which aligns these values and virtues through the stories of the Great Men and Women of history. What better way to teach character traits than through the lives of history makers? We have over 200 Great Men and Women lesson cards, each with character traits suggestions for your teachers and students to explore. We have a complete series that can be aligned to your student population's racial background so that students can learn about people like them who have changed the world.

With mental health and suicide prevention becoming more and more of a requirement in our public schools, having our 10 Point Character Education program and active monitoring in place will help identify student needs and give your school a way to address any issues.

Arts - Integrated Music and Arts Education

Classical Education follows the western tradition of liberal education, where the arts are as important as math or English. We embed artists into our classrooms, art classes, and music courses. By fully understanding the impact the arts have made on forming and communicating history, we help our students understand how the pursuit of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful is worthy.

We built our Lesson Cards, Lesson Guides, and Digital Resources aligned to the Top 50 Artists from history and the Top 25 Musical Moments in history. This series includes an amazing introduction and exploration of famous artists and musicians from the past. We include

  • Discussion questions,
  • Project ideas,
  • Ways to bring forth themes that cross-grade bands,
  • Suggested monthly artist/musician features
  • Exercises that help students explore the artist/musician's impact on their time and ours.

US Civics Instruction

Many states are requiring US Civics education as a condition of graduation. With the Ethos Logos US Civics curriculum, you have at your fingertips an easy-to-follow platform for preparing your students for passage of the US Citizenship Exam.

Our team took the 120-question US Citizenship Exam and divided the questions into themes. Each of them has a Lesson Card, 50 in total, which clearly lists the question and then answers the question with context, back story, and historical significance, all anchored with visuals to help all types of learners.  We have an accompanying Lesson Guide that includes even more context to help anchor your students learning of US Civics.

If you are using our Ethos Logos History platform, we spell out where in our scope and sequence you should align the various Lesson Cards and topics. We begin introducing concepts in the Medieval Period (2nd, 6th, 10th) with a large concentration in America's Founding Period (3rd, 7th, 11th) and culminating in the Modern Period (4th, 8th, 12th). 

Graphic Design and Customization Services

At Ethos Logos, we have a team of graphic designers and production professionals that can help customize our curriculum print materials to your unique needs. From standards alignment to connecting our curriculum print products to your school mission, we can help with all your design and printing services. 

The process is simple; we work with your curriculum department to integrate lessons and provide you with materials that align with your school district. We have sourced and worked with top-quality printers in the US and provide you with design to finished products within your time frame and your district's budget. 

  1. Graphic Design services
  2. Integration with your school district
  3. Printing in small or large
  4. Annual reviews and edits as needed
  5. Standards Alignment to your State

The Ethos Logos Curriculum allows Homeschool Families, Private Schools, Charter or Public Districts the ability to implement the Classical Education Model in an easy to follow and impactful way. 

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